(All dates here are in the year/month/day format unless stated otherwise)

(2024/08/10, 11:41 am)

At some point during the 9th of august (or possibly earlier today) this site reached 1,000 views total!! Thats pretty cool... Thanks guys :3
Ive also finally realized that people actually do look at this site.. Ive made a new friend recently who found me from here! :3

Anyway I have been having A LOT of trouble trying to write songs. I think I have tried EVERYTHING I possibly can to "try and make an actual song". At this point Im pretty sure the problem is that I Cannot Fucking Think Of Lyrics. I can make a song out of an idea but I cant put words to it. Its especially really weird because like, have you fucking seen this blog? I am a writer, no fucking doubt about it. I write so fucking much and Ive written stuff that I genuinely connect with and FEEL so much but like. The moment I try and put that to music, NOTHING connects. Its like I cant connect my music with my writing at all. Its so fucking ANNOYING.

Ive also been experiencing really really bad headaches. Im pretty sure they would be considered migraines I think... They are so fucking bad. (T_T)

(2024/07/29, 12:32 am)

I guess Im back. I dont fucking know. I still feel like shit. Anyway I released another album on my bandcamp, its called "3". I honestly really wish it were longer but something really bad happened irl and I just couldnt imagine any more songs being on the album after that. I dont really know what to do now for my next album. I want to actually try like writing songs and letting them be whatever the fuck I want. I also want to practice guitar more. Yes, I have an acoustic guitar, and I pretty much never use it, both because I am too physically small to be able to comfortably play it, and also because there isnt really any good way to record it, sadly. But I know I can practice more if I just get into the habit of it.


I might stop making entries here for a bit (though itll probably be a Very Small Bit if that even happens) just because I feel like Ive been venting here too much and I really do not want this site to become a venting space for me because I feel like that just makes anyone reading this a little sad or just not wanting to look at my site anymore. But idk whatever


Im about to just fucking give up.

I cant fucking do anything. I want to make music in real life. not just putting my entire life on the internet for absolutely nobody to ever fucking see or hear or acknowledge at all. But there is nobody in my entire fucking area who makes music other than one singular person who I barely like and who I literally cannot meet even though we live only a mile away from each other. I am so fucking tired of the exact same improvisations. Every single fucking day. I look at reddit threads about "how to turn improvs into music" or some shit and its all the exact same fucking thing, "just write it down" yeah man just write it down you totally can do that yeah you are neurotypical RIGHT???? yeah. totally. dont have like adhd or anything and i cant just fucking focus on "writing down the music" yeah its fucking easy dude yeah totally.

My favorite musician made one of my favorite albums ever when he was my exact age, and I cant even make a single fucking song. I have been making music every single fucking day for 4 years and I cant even make a single fucking song. I make a single fucking song and nobody ever listens to it.

Sorry (T_T)


I feel like fucking shit dude. I feel so fucking bad. Im so fucking tired. I feel so fucking alone.. I am.

I once had a journal for years when I had just started puberty and it was fucking cheesy sometimes when I would vent like this. I stopped writing in that journal years ago and tried to "be better" and kinda "forget about it", but Ive always been afraid It Would Come Back and recently it has been getting obvious this shit is coming back. Everything is repeating all fucking over again.


I am going fucking insane dude jesus fucking christ.

I just went to discord to try and find something I had sent to a friend earlier that encapsulates how Im feeling right now and I stumbled upon an unrelated image of a Fox, and god I dont know who she is but I wanna be her. Fuckkkkkk. AAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I had uploaded a crying emoji on this site beforehand I would be using it so much in this entry right now there would be like a whole line of them in rows across the screen lmao


Honestly I kind of regret making that last entry because of all that stuff I said near the end. But whatever. I already made it.

Also I dont really wanna talk about this but I fucking hate fourth of july. I hate fireworks so fucking much dude. Fuck off. Cant wait to get no fucking sleep tonight (sarcasm).

Anyway I also feel like talking about my music! So basically Ive been making music digitally since about april 2021, when I was given a midi keyboard and I was so fucking excited!! I had been thinking about what DAWs to get before that, and I had decided to use "cakewalk", pretty much only because I had read on an interview with neil cicierega (one of my favorite musicians ever..) that he used cakewalk, but I didnt realize until much later that he was actually reffering to a much older version of cakewalk in the 2000s.
Though Im glad I still decided to use cakewalk, because I have grown VERY comfortable with it over the years. I have literal THOUSANDS of projects now, many of which are just improvisations on the keyboard, but even then, a good portion of my projects are actual songs Ive made, with multiple tracks and more recently, some with vocals!

I just have a lot of trouble making lyrics to my songs. Like A LOT of trouble. I can write lyrics most of the time, its just that like... How the fuck do you even put that in a song?? Its almost unimaginable to me somehow, to see lyrics Ive written and imagine them being sung. I dont know why its so hard to do. I havent really tried to put lyrics to a song though. Like Ive only been recording myself singing at least somewhat frequently for the past few months or so. Ive tried just improvising lyrics or taking lyrics Ive written and attempting to make a melody from them, but it always just comes out sounding so fucking random. Like I definitely rearlly fucking like randomness in music, but I mean when I hear what I tried to make up, it just sounds bad and with absolutely NO framework to the melody at all. Its almost like if you just put a bunch of random notes everywhere on a piano roll for no reason and with no direction. I think I should just keep trying though. Someone I remotely know made a song recently that is a lot like how I want my music to be like, and they said they made it by just "absolutely forcing" themself to try to make what they made up in their head real. They also said they tried doing this hundreds of times before, before finally making that one song that they liked. So I guess I really should just keep trying.


I was gonna write here about what my favorite musicians are and stuff, but I never finished it and something really fucking bad happened afterwards so I dont feel like finishing it. Anyway uh yeah... I feel like shit.

Also Im surprised at how many views this blog has been getting the past few days. I mean I doubt its considered "a lot" in terms of neocities pages but just seeing that something I made has over 800 views is insane lol. And when I look at all the neocities websites tagged "otherkin" and sort them by amount of views, mine is actually somewhat up there. Pretty cool I guess.

Im also thinking of adding a new page where I put some really funny images Ive made the past couple years. Not really sure if Ill do it now though but I probably will at some point.

Anyway.. I wanna talk more about being otherkin and stuff.
Ive known the term "otherkin" fit me since around january or february 2023, and ever since then I have been constantly trying to find other people like me. Like actually like me, if that makes any sense. Because the weird thing is, no matter how far I look into otherkin communities on the internet, I just... I dont know. I dont even know how to explain it.
Like yeah, Ill ocassionally find someone on some blogging website whos profile says theyre autistic, trans, queer, therian, otherkin, bla bla bla, EVERYTHING I am. But Ill look through their posts (if they have ANY AT ALL... Ill get to that later...) and I just dont really feel anything.
And then after like an hour of searching I find some random persons blog and they have like really cool stuff written on there that I connect with a lot, but its just this one person. Out of literally HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS of profiles Ive looked at. Only one person, and I only connect with some of their writing. Do you understand how lonely that makes me feel?

I dont know. Sometimes I feel like Im asking for too much, like theres no person who is EXACTLY like me. No shit. But like. C'mon... Its not like that. I know its not like that.

I only know one, MAYBE two, otherkin... Online. Yeah, just online. And you'd think "oh there are therians everywhere online! just like you!"- No. There arent. I thought that once too. But I have seen so many people online, I am online A LOT. and I only remotely know one. I have never even actually talked to them.

Its obvious to anyone reading by this point that there aren't any otherkin in my area... Like... seriously... No one. Not even furries.
Apparently there was one furry at my school at some point, but they graduated years ago. From what little I have heard of them, they dont seem to have been similar to me in any way.

And thats it.

There is just no one.

This sucks.

And you'd think that "out of thousands and thousands of people in your area, they are ALL just humans who are NOTHING like you? there is no way at least ONE of those people isnt a furry, or otherkin, or has that weird shit in your head that youve never seen in anyone else before. there's gotta be someone."


Youre right.
There is one person.

Its me.

I am the one person.

Sorry if this rant is so "edgy" or whatever. I dont really care... This is stuff I genuinely feel and have felt for years.

Anyway uhh yeah bye :3

Actually yknow what fuck it Im gonna keep writing.
So I said earlier that I would "get to that later" about how there are barely any otherkin posting stuff online or whatever. I almost forgot to actually get back to that.
As I said before, I have looked through A Lot of otherkin blogs, forums, communities in general, and from what Ive seen, barely anybody on any of these places has been active on it since like, at most 2022, especially with forums I have found. There is a whole wiki I found where pretty much NOTHING had changed since at most 2014, and many blogs I have found on another site were only made in like 2013, updated for a few months, and then never updated again since then. Im finding it hard to actually explain this stuff the way I want to here. But you'd probably understand what Im saying.

Sorry to go full on "ohhh tiktok is baddd current internet is bad!!!" here but pretty much all of the otherkin I see now are just people I hear are on tiktok and shit like that. Temporary internet where all you do is exaggerate everything to the purest of emotions and then saturate them further as much as you can. At least thats what Ive heard of places like tiktok, Ive never used them. One of my friends who uses tiktok told me recently that they "might have found some people like you", and I was like "WHAT. no fucking way..." and then imagine the disappointment on me when they responded with "but... theyre on tiktok" and then they told me the "trending tag" for it and it is some bullshit. Searched it up on the internet and found some of the worst things imaginable and then my friend told me to just search up the tag on tumblr to avoid seeing more of that, and then it was just the same "wow these tumblr posts have absolutely nothing to do with this tag" or "oh this person just made that post because it was a random goofy thought they had in their head and they dont actually believe what they just said"
And then after all that searching, I just ended up in the same exact place I had gotten to before in ALL of my searching attempts: witch blogs on tumblr.

If it isnt obvious, Im not even really talking about otherkin anymore. Im talking about something even deeper to me, extremely connected to me being otherkin, and that is apparently so rare that I have never seen any single person in my entire life even think about.

To put it in simple terms that you might? have heard before (i doubt it): animism.
But like, real animism. Like when you actually believe that Animals and Plants and Bugs and Trees (yes, I capitalize all of these words) are people. Like actually believing that FULLY.
Have you ever been in love with a Tree so much that you would die for her. That is not even a question actually. Because you haven't. I have. I AM.

Sometimes I think I am schizophrenic, and I most likely am honestly, but like. Dude c'mon. Doesn't that make sense? What I just said there?

At least a bit of sense?


Anyway, Im listening to the album "selected ambient works 85-92" by aphex twin, while writing this. I love aphex twin. Im currently on the track "schottkey 7th path". Neat song for what Ive been writing so far. I recommend listening to the track "heliosphan" while reading this whole entry. It really fits it honestly.

I dont know if I should even be putting this shit on the internet. Like I dont know if its safe for me or if I should even be allowing people to think about this whole "animism" thing as more than just a silly wikipedia term or something you can plaster on a tumblr post and call it a day. I dont know. I wouldnt even call what Ive been trying to describe "animism". I dont think it should have any term. I think it should be a given. An "obviously" thing. But it isnt. In fact nobody knows about this, somehow.

I dont fucking know dude what if Im just schizo and Ive made all this shit up for some reason. What are you guys thoughts on this honestly, maybe say something about this in the chat on the index page, I dunno. I just need someone to acknowledge that like.

Yknow what, if I am schizophrenic and just making all this shit up... Then being schizo is awesome. And "making all this shit up" has led me to the best experiences in my life with someone I love to death, while also bringing the most heart-wrenching realizations ever, that like in every place you have walked in your entire life, there used to be people there. They werent human people. They are Trees. And if you sit still and think, you can feel them. They give you your thoughts as you sit there and you should give them back to them. And the fact that there are Trees here right now and that they are all dying and just. Look. If you are at home right now reading this, go look outside the nearest window or something and if t


Dude I seriously cannot write any more. I am so fucking burnt out from trying to write all this. Appreciate sleep. I never seem to get to.
Im going to bed.. goodnight :3

And anyway if you guys liked this whole post then tell me in the chat in the index page like I said before. I really need some feedback tbh. Also I do genuinely mean all those things I said. Seriously.

I will definitely write more about this kinda stuff in future entries, I think. I want to expand more on this and keep talking about all the stuff I sort of left off on, or left out in this entry.

Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow. I very well might not be.
I wanna cry.


I updated my index page.. I really like the drawing :3
That drawing is of me btw. I guess.
I guess I should probably tell you guys that Im otherkin... I dont really know what Animal species I am or whatever. I mean for now I would say Im either a Fox, Wolf, or Coyote. Someone like that.

If you dont know what "otherkin" means, obviously as with many identities there is no one definition, so Ill just give you mine: Basically, for me, being otherkin is not being human even though you are in a humans body or whatever. Like I always feel myself as an Animal and its not like how humans go "wohahoh (insert animal) is my sPiRiT aNiMaL" or some bullshit. Literally the core of my self is an Animal.
Literally ever since I was a really little kid Ive always been literally fucking obsessed with furry art and stuff. I dont even want to go into all the details right now but trust me it is VERY personal. I am an Animal. No fucking doubt about it.

Anyway... what I actually came here to talk about is the fact that I have a bandcamp! I made an album recently and I put it on there.

I want to talk more about my music and stuff later. I really would talk about the album I just released but I dont feel like it right now and I dont even know how I would start honestly... I think there is a lot to talk about lol

Okay its been a while since I wrote the last stuff in this entry and I think its time for me to start putting my art on here. Im gonna follow with what I said in my first blog entry here (2023/12/11) and just start putting art in these blog entries as I make them.

Ive been getting into animating again! Basically in 2020-2021 I used to animate quite a bit, but that was before I realized I was a furry and stuff... So I would try not to animate the "weird furry shit" I actually wanted to animate the whole time. Though I did genuinely make some Really good stuff that I love a lot. I will probably show a little bit of that stuff at some point in the future, but I want to focus on the stuff Ive been doing now LOL. I keep making big ass rants...

Here is the first animation I made coming back to animation! I made it on 20 june 2024, so a couple weeks ago.
gif of an Animal (me) sitting down and staring at the viewer with a sort of neutrally happy face and wagging her tail from side to side
I really like this one ^_^

Now heres an animation I did on 28 june!
gif of an Animal (me) looking at the viewer and looking happy, spreading her front left paw. A love heart comes from the paw as it spreads
I love paws... ^_^

The only thing that bothers me about this gif is I shouldve made the space between the two middle toes go deeper as the paw spreads instead of just staying there in one position the whole time. Idk if that makes any sense but whatever. I dont think its noticeable at all though, it just bothers me cuz I know I couldve changed that if I had thought about it more

I really like these animations :3 I want to make more of them its really fun tbh ^_^!


I added a chat feature! Its on the index page. You guys can talk with me there :3

I should probably update my index page... It hasnt been actually updated since like last year

I also want to start putting my art on here!! ^_^
It will probably happen soon like tomorrow if I am yknow In A Good State Of Mind and not fucking feeling like shittt

Anyway yea :3


Hell o guys. I am back from my SIX MONTH period of kinda forgetting about neocities. I am having a VERY BAD DAY right now but whatever I guess. Im still very hesitant about being personal on here, especially since I have no clue who you guys are who are reading these entries, or if there even IS anyone reading this. Yet again it would be cool to have a chat feature but I dont know how to do that. It just seems really complicated and I dont feel like doing all that. ANYWAY uhhh yeah bye i geusee


Well. Feeling worse honestly. I might stop making entries here for a bit just to prevent myself from getting too "personal" here but I dont know. I don't really like neocities honestly. Last night I found something called dreamwidth and saw some neat profiles and stuff on there but I can't really see myself creating an account there or anything. (Yet again it seems it's the people whos profiles I looked at who I think are cool, not as much the website itself.) I don't really want to create an account anywhere honestly. I don't know how to explain it. I don't think I've ever understood "social media" or most "online communities" at all. I don't fucking get it. I don't fucking know. I don't even want to know.

I wanna talk about my music interests here soon. Music is a fucking huge thing to me.


Hello guys. It is very hard and tedious to make a blog entry. Also SCHOOL IS A FUCK!!!!!!! Fuck that shit. I'm not gonna provide context on why Im mad lol. There isn't really any context honestly. I should probably inform you guys while we're on the topic of school that I'm close to "graduating" since that fact will probably come up in future entries

Also I want to add a chat feature on the home page or something where anyone who visits can comment and talk and stuff. I've always wanted to make a forum or something like that where me and anyone else can talk to each other and share things but I don't know how to.. Yet!! >:D Idk....

WELL for how I've been feeling today, pretty bad, uh. Yeah. Kinda sucks that I can't talk about what is happening to make me feel that way because I'm just not ready to talk about it on here. So sorry if I just keep sounding like "im doing pretty bad haha!!!" and then just moving on to something else.

gif of sapari cat being flung in a white void

Also I want to put the "about me" page In Here, like as a sidebar on this page. I think that would be kinda useful and also I don't really feel like having a whole separate page just for that little thing.


Honestly bro I was thinking of making separate pages for like every different thing I do here, like a separate page for text blog entries and another one for like art or whatever else I wanna put on here but like dude everything is a blog to me. I dont care

I wanna see if I can easily implement my own emojis here or something, I think that would be really cool. Like not even having to do that whole "img src=" thing each time I wanna use it, like to somehow just type in some short phrase to Summon it very easily.

gif from an aimkid animation (birthday) of an alligator playfully kissing a character on the cheek


But anyway if you guys wanna know what Ive been doing today Ive pretty much just been listening to music and stuff. The usual. You dont know what "the usual" is yet but yknow. You will learn some time soon I guess

...Well Ive actually been feeling kinda bad recently. Like. Shits really bad actually. For reasons that I dont want to explain and that Literally No One Will Understand if I tried to explain but they are Very Real Reasons... Fuck